September 20, 2024

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This week we look toward the Sun—or rather, the Sun asks us to look toward it. In astrology, the Sun sits not only at the center of our solar system, but at the center of who we are. When it shifts into the constellation of Libra this week, the light of our consciousness is filtered through that sign. As the outer planets, Neptune and Pluto, also dance with the Sun, a stream of consciousness similarly shines on them, bringing their invitations to the forefront of our awareness.

The zodiacal wheel, which represents the placement of the signs in our cosmos, with the Sun at center. Each sign is in relationship with the sign that is opposite it on the wheel. These hold complementary characteristics and challenge us to find some measure of balance in between. (Illustration: Vadim Ezhov | Getty)

Sun Opposite Neptune

An opposition is when two planets sit in signs that are directly opposite one another on the zodiacal wheel. If one sits at the top of the circle, the other sits at the bottom. If one is on the left, the other is on the right. If one planet looks toward one direction, desiring to move toward it, the other planet looks in the other direction, wanting to move that way. Yet they sit on the same energetic spectrum, with the same overall intention, existing as opposite sides of the same coin.

As the Sun comes into an opposition with Neptune on September 19, 2023, we experience the conscious awareness, clarity, and life force that’s intrinsic to the Sun opposing the mystical, unseen, intangible, and illusory traits of Neptune. This is amplified by the signs in which they currently sit. As these cosmic bodies look in their opposite directions, we are invited to explore our relationship with intuition, illusion, perception, truth, oneness, and identity.

The Sun in Virgo desires to shine forth in a fully embodied sense of individuality and self. Neptune in Pisces wants to dissolve this self and bring us into the space where we are all one with another and one with existence itself. This tension is intentional and ensures that we reach deeper into the partnership of opposites. Here we are gifted an opportunity to marry our sense of identity with all that awaits beyond that. Whether you refer to it as your higher self or soul or true nature of who you are, how do you bring more of yourself into ourselves?

Sun Trine Pluto

A trine represents the coming together of two celestial bodies in different signs yet in the same element, whether fire, air, earth, or water. They come together with the same intentions, desires, and messages. As they meet in the cosmos, they are in cohesion, in harmony, and in sync.

Pluto represents our underworld, our unconsciousness, our depths and unknowns of who we are. As the Sun in Virgo shines upon Pluto in Capricorn on September 21, 2023, the light of awareness that the Sun represents highlights these Plutonian parts of ourselves, bringing the unknown to the known, the unconscious to the conscious, and all that is ready to be known within us to the forefront of our awareness. On this day, and the days leading up to and away from it, we are gifted an opportunity to look at these parts of ourselves, feel them, and begin to integrate more of us into our concept of self.

Illustration of the astrological zodiac sign Libra, depicted by scales hanging in the balance
The astrological sign of Libra, typically depicted as scales hanging in the balance to reflect the sign’s concern for equality. (Illustration: ProVectors | Getty)

Sun Enters Libra

The Sun represents the center or essence of self. It is our experience. Our life force. Our spirit. And as it journeys through the 12 signs of the zodiac, it brings these parts of us along with it.

On September 23, 2023, the Sun enters the constellation of Libra, where it will remain until October 23. Throughout Libra season, we, too, are invited to step into the essence that is Libra. To become it, learn from it, and begin to experience the world through its lens. We all have Libra alive within us, operating in different volumes and expressing itself in different areas of our lives. And as the Sun shines in this air sign, the Libra in each of us steps to the forefront to be embodied and experienced.

Ruled by Venus, Libra is an archetype that knows the value of beauty, perhaps more than any other sign of the zodiac. It is throughout this season that we are invited to experience the world through the lens of Libra. To seek beauty in all and to add beauty where we can, whether in another human, piece of art, conversation, or a moment of stillness.

Throughout this season, there is an emphasis on the other so as to move beyond the limitation of our self. Our partnerships, relationships, and collaborations. Our opportunities to learn through diverse experiences, opinions, unique journeys, and perspectives. This season reminds us of the truth that we are not alone in this journey. Others play an integral role in building our identity and sense of self as well as simply adding to the beauty and magic of being alive.

Your Invitation

As the Sun in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces, we are invited to explore where we have been holding onto a false sense of self or an identity that no longer fits the breadth and width of who we are. There is a mystical essence to the dance between the Sun and Neptune. Wherever we find Neptune involved, surrender is an integral aspect of any dance—surrender to a higher self that desires the essence that is you. For this to happen, we must begin making space by cracking open the confines of our identity.

As Neptune begins to fade from its opposition to the Sun, Pluto dances toward it, with the Sun’s light building and building upon it, becoming brighter and brighter. Influenced by Neptune, we will have created space within our consciousness for ourselves, and then will be invited to begin exposing more of our true selves through our unconscious.

These two aspects to the Sun have beautiful potential of transformation. There is an invitation to rebirth who we are, and more importantly, who we believe we are and how we see ourselves. More space is desiring to be made as the old is ready to clear away. Aspects of ourselves from above—Neptune–and below—Pluto—are ready to make their way into what we see when we look in the mirror.

After this cracking open, expansion, and dance with Neptune and Pluto, the Sun makes its way out of Virgo and into Libra, where we enter the realm of beauty and balance, harmony and love. In this space, we are invited to shower ourselves in what brings a sense of inner calm, whether that comes through looking into the eyes of a loved one, decorating our home, or bringing our body into yoga poses that feel like we are creating art. This season is an opportunity to look around at our lives and intuitively feel the presence of balance or imbalance so that we can begin to harmonize.

There is a beautiful healing this week, as there always is in life. Opportunities to come home to ourselves and deep into love with others. Invitations to find our balance as we move through this vast, diverse, sacred, scary, beautiful, challenging, nurturing world. And doorways that reveal more layers and bring more awareness and understanding of this existence.

Learn more about the influence of astrology in your life, including astrological events the Moon cycles, your Sun and Moon and rising signs, how journaling can help you connect with the current influences, and more with Jordane Maree at Girl and her Moon.

About Our Contributor

Jordane Maree is the founder of Girl and Her Moon, a platform and community exploring Soul through the lens of astrology, tarot, and energy healing. She is a writer, intuitive astrologer, energy and soul guide, and host of Girl and Her Moon, The Podcast. She is inspired, every single day, to be the mirror for you to see all that you truly are, you in all your infinite abilities, in total expansion, in infinite opportunity and love.

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