September 20, 2024

The Kardashian name is a billion-dollar brand that has dominated pop culture for nearly two decades. Khloe Kardashian is the youngest of the three Kardashian girls and has lived the majority of her adult life as a reality star.

While fame and fortune have countless benefits that the average person can only dream of, there are also disadvantages of being so famous. Like her sisters and several other celebrities, Khloe’s body weight has been a topic of discussion throughout her life. After years of criticism regarding her body weight and weight gain, Khloe had a remarkable body transformation after giving birth in July 2022.

So, how did Khloe Kardashian lose so much weight? In this article, we will explore the Khloe Kardashian diet plan and fitness regimen that has helped her transform her body. 

Table of Contents:

  • Who Is Khloe Kardashian?
  • Khloe Kardashian Weight Loss: How Did She Lose Weight?
  • Khloe Kardashian’s Diet
  • Khloe Kardashian’s Workout Routine
  • Khloe Kardashian Weight Loss Plan: Best Tips

Who Is Khloe Kardashian?

Unless you have been living under a rock for the last two decades, you have likely heard of the Kardashians. Khloé Kardashian was born on June 27, 1984, in Los Angeles, California, to Kris Jenner and Robert Kardashian. Along with her younger brother Robert and older sister Kourtney Kardashian and Kim Kardashian, Khloe got her first taste of fame at an early age, thanks to her father. 

Robert Kardashian was an attorney and close personal to OJ Simpson during his famous murder trial. Khloe and her family gained worldwide attention again years later with the start of a new reality television series, “Keeping Up With The Kardashians” season.

The extremely popular “Keeping Up With The Kardashians” debuted in 2007 and changed their lives forever. While the show led to incredible financial success and fame, it also opened up the most private details of their lives for the world to critique. Khloe has had every detail of her life, including her famous relationships with Lamar Odom and Tristan Thompson, exposed and under a microscope. 

Sadly, Khloe was sometimes referred to as “the fat sister,” which led to years of ridicule and attempts to shed pounds. However, in 2022 Khloe Kardashian’s weight loss changed the narrative regarding her body fat.

how did khloe kardashian lose all her weight

Khloe Kardashian Weight Loss: How Did Khloe Kardashian Lose Weight?

In 2023, Khloe revealed that she lost 40 pounds, going from 163 pounds to only 123 pounds. Even more amazingly, Khloe managed this fantastic weight loss after giving birth in July 2022 at age 38! Khloe has reported that she weighed as much as 203 pounds during her lowest point. 

Khloe’s transformation of her body composition has inspired countless fans around the world. Her weight loss journey was such a hot topic that it led to a reality spin-off series called “Revenge Body With Khloe Kardashian.” The show lasted for three seasons, from 2017-2019 and helped contestants with their weight loss journey.

So how did the Revenge Body host lose 40 pounds so quickly after giving birth? Khloe swears by following a strict diet and exercising regularly. 

how did khloe kardashian lose weight

1) The Khloe Kardashian Weight Loss Diet:

One of the most important parts of Khloe’s weight loss journey, which has helped her lose weight faster, has been her diet. Diet is arguably the most important aspect of a person’s life when it comes to losing weight. Luckily for Khloe, she has access to the best dieticians, trainers, and chefs available, and her diet plan was created by celebrity nutritionist Dr. Philip Goglia, the founder of Performance Fitness Concepts. Khloe has worked with Dr. Goglia for several years to change her eating habits during her weight loss journey. 

Khloe follows a high-protein diet plan that focuses on portion control and avoiding excessive carbs. Khloe usually eats eight small meals of healthy foods throughout the day to help maintain a high metabolic rate. A systematic review of studies comparing the effect of low-fat diets to low-carb diets. The results showed that a low-carb diet led to more significant weight loss and improvements in cholesterol1. If you’re interested in eating similarly, check out our High Protein Meal Plan to get started.

One change in approach that Dr. Goglia instilled in Khloe is to limit her to cheat meals rather than entire cheat days. She occasionally rewarded herself with her favorite junk food like pizza and cheeseburgers because she believed that maintaining such a strict diet would not be maintainable long-term.

Another part of Khloe’s diet that she believes was a major key to her weight loss was eliminating dairy. Khloe noticed she was able to lose weight easier when she avoided eating dairy products, so she stuck with it. 

One of Goglia’s methods to make meals more enjoyable is to experiment with flavorings like herbs and unrefined sugars, such as maple syrup. One of Khloe’s favorite meals from Goglia is his recipe for maple salmon with spinach and asparagus2. Asparagus is one of her favorite foods to help lose weight, as well as oatmeal.

As part of the high protein diet, Khloe eats several high protein low fat foods, including chicken, fish, and turkey. She also eats healthy fats, including avocados and nuts, and plenty of leafy green vegetables and broccoli. The combination of low-carb, lean proteins, healthy fats, and vegetables spread across eight meals helps keep Khloe feeling satisfied for hours. 

Khloe Kardashian Sample Diet:

Time of Day



1 tablespoon of jam
1 tablespoon of almond butter


2 eggs
1 cup of oatmeal
Fresh fruit (e.g., berries)

Mid-morning snack

Piece of fruit


4 oz grilled chicken breast
4 oz yams or 1/2 cup of white rice
Vegetables and salad

Early afternoon snack

Handful of nuts (such as almonds)
1 piece of fruit

Late afternoon snack

Handful of cherry tomatoes
Nuts and fruit


Steamed fish or grilled chicken
Green vegetables (broccoli, snap peas, or edamame)
Sunflower seeds


Piece of fruit

2) The Khloe Kardashian Workout Routine:

Just as Khloe has a top dietician to create her diet plan, she also has an elite personal trainer to create a perfect workout routine. Khloe uses Gunner Peterson, a well-known celebrity personal trainer who is a former Director of Strength and Endurance for the Los Angeles Lakers professional basketball team. 

Khloe has been open about the details of her workouts, including that she never exercises on an empty stomach. Her daily fitness routine involves waking up at 6 a.m. to exercise first thing in the morning. She likes to eat one tablespoon of jam with one tablespoon of almond butter to give her an energy boost.

She would work out for roughly 35 to 40 minutes every day. She strongly believes in circuit training and usually follows a 5-day training split to perform the splits, then does light cardio on the other two days of the week. 

Research suggests that a caloric deficit of 500-750 calories daily can translate to roughly one-half pound or more of weight loss per week. Khloe performs a combination of cardio exercises and resistance training, which is proven more effective for weight loss than just aerobics or strength training alone3. Khloe followed this strategy, ensuring her daily workout and strict diet plan left her in a 500-calorie deficit for the day. 

Khloe typically follows a 5-day training split, primarily using circuit training with strength training exercises and cardio. Her circuit training usually involves three separate circuits, which she performs four times each. Khloe Kardashian lost weight utilizing her favorite cardio exercises include running, boxing, and the Stairmaster. 

Sample Khloe 5-Day Split Workout:


Workout Plan

Day 1

Full-body cardio workout:
Jumping jacks

Day 2

Lower-Body/Glutes Workout
Focus on lunges, squats, deadlifts

Day 3

Core Training
Straight leg crunches
Scissor legs V ups

Day 4

Arm Day
Use alternate equipment, like:
– Resistance bands
– Kettlebells
– Ropes
Exercises: bicep curls, tricep extensions, chest presses

Day 5

Full-body Workout 
Add cardio

For a comprehensive breakdown of Khloe’s workout regimen, check out our article: What Is The Khloe Kardashian Workout And Diet

khloe kardashian 2023 weight loss

Khloe Kardashian Weight Loss Plan: Best Tips

In addition to everything we mentioned above, these are some of Khloe’s favorite tips to help your weight loss efforts.

  • Drink Plenty Of Water: Khloe aims to drink at least 4 liters of water every day to help lose weight and support overall health. 
  • Intermittent Fasting: Based on a post to her TikTok and Instagram story, Khloe supports incorporating intermittent fasting into her diet to help promote weight loss.
  • Circuit Training: Nearly all of Khloe’s exercise routines involve circuit training to help build muscle and maximize weight loss. 
  • Avoid Buying Junk Food: One simple tip that Khloe recommends is to avoid purchasing junk food. Khloe believes that you will be forced into eating healthy if you only keep healthy options around the house.
  • Keep A Positive Mindset: Losing weight can be a very slow process for some people, which can be discouraging. Khloe experienced this herself, dealing with weight issues for several years before finally breaking through. Having a positive mindset can make all of the difficult parts of dieting easier. 

Ladies, looking for some more great tips? Head to our article on the Top 10 Tips To Help With Weight Loss For Women

how did khloe kardashian lose so much weight

How Did Khloe Kardashian Lose Weight? Key Takeaways

Khloe Kardashian lives an extravagant lifestyle that the majority of people can only dream about. But, part of the fame includes unwanted media attention and the scrutiny of millions of people. After having a baby in July 2022, Khloe lowered her overall body weight by 40 pounds from 163 to 123 in just a few months.

This amazing weight loss was due to hard work both in the kitchen and the gym.

Khloe is living proof that when you dedicate yourself to a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and regular exercise, it is possible to transform your body. Khloe Kardashian’s weight loss has been an inspiration to millions of fans, and we hope her story motivates you too!

Learn more about her routine in our article featuring the Khloe Kardashian Workout & Diet. Ready to start a new workout program? Check out The Best Workout Programs For Women To Build Muscle.

how much weight did khloe kardashian lose
Images courtesy of Khloe Kardashian’s Instagram


  1. Chawla, Shreya, et al. “The Effect of Low-Fat and Low-Carbohydrate Diets on Weight Loss and Lipid Levels: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.” Nutrients, vol. 12, no. 12, 9 Dec. 2020, p. 3774,
  2. “Kardashian Family Nutritionist Philip Goglia Shares One of Khloe’s “Favorite” Dinner Recipes.” Peoplemag, 
  3. Ho, Suleen S, et al. “The Effect of 12 Weeks of Aerobic, Resistance or Combination Exercise Training on Cardiovascular Risk Factors in the Overweight and Obese in a Randomized Trial.” BMC Public Health, vol. 12, no. 1, 28 Aug. 2012,,

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