September 21, 2024

Our TBP team is thrilled to bring you our all new 28 Day Challenge workout plan, which launched on 1 July 2023. It’s a fantastic new health and fitness program, designed to help you look and feel your best in just 28 days. 

What is The 28 Day Challenge Workout Plan?

The 28 Day Challenge plan is an immersive 28-day journey. It will help you to rebalance your body, build physical and mental strength and realise your full potential. Plus it’s heaps of fun!

Alex has brought together all her knowledge and experiences from years in the health and fitness industry to create targeted workouts that challenge different muscle groups and areas of the body. 

You will build endurance and stamina as you improve your level of fitness and tone your physique. You’ll also learn how to cultivate a positive mindset and enhance your mental resilience. And you’ll do it all with Alex’s gentle guidance and modifications so that everyone (and anyone!) can feel confident and comfortable giving the challenge a go!

What You Can Expect During The 28 Day Challenge?

The 28 Day Challenge workout has a holistic focus. Its success is due to Alex’s combination of exercise genres, from Pilates and toning through to resistance, metabolic conditioning and cardio. The specific workout and rest day combination will help you to achieve elevated outcomes… both physically and mentally.

Alex is your guide and mentor

Alex will guide you through each day of The 28 Day Challenge workouts. Each day she shares her methodology and provides you with insights and tips that will help you to optimise your success.

Digital Calendar

A key support for your daily workout goals is our new branded digital 28 Day Challenge Calendar. The calendar is your daily starting point through your 28-day workout journey. It has links to each workout, Alex’s tips for success and will give you a fun way to track your daily progress.


21 new workouts

Alex’s comprehensive exercise plan includes 21 new workouts, based on a variety of exercise methodologies. Each workout is 50 to 60 minutes, and are structured to give you optimal outcomes – no matter your starting point! 

Even better, the 21 new workouts are based on TBP’s tried and true favourites.

alex in a low lunge with arms stretched above her head in a pink and shite shirt and light pink pants

7 supported rest days

The 28 Day Challenge includes seven supported rest days. These are a combination of active rest and complete rest, giving your body the time and space needed to recover, repair and rebuild muscle.

Supportive TBP Facebook community

A key part of any workout journey is support, and the 28 Day Challenge is no different. Join our TBP Community on Facebook and connect with others who are on their own 28-day journey.

TBP Playlists

Alex has curated a playlist especially for each of the 28 Day Challenge workouts. If you’re already part of the TBP family, you’ll find some of our ‘greatest hits’ as well as some new faves! If you’re joining us for the first time, you’ll love working out to these tunes.

Alex kneeling in white pants and a black singlet working out with green weights

Practical Tips for Success

Below are our practical tips that can help you to get the most out of your 28 Day Challenge journey. 

Tip 1: Track your progress

One tip across all workouts is to track your heart rate and take note of how long it takes to return to normal after the workout. Do this from Day 1 right through to Day 28, as it’s a great record of your progress.

Tip 2: Mindful movements

When a workout targets the full body, it can be easy to lose focus. Stay mindful and consider your correct form for each movement.

Tip 3: Focus on form and breath

When you’re pushing through resistance workouts, remember to:

  • Focus on your form, particularly when lifting heavier weights.
  • Keep breathing. Inhale during relaxation and exhale during exertion.

Tip 4: Core care

When working the core, we recommend tightening your core muscles before starting each movement. This gives you better targeted results. And don’t forget to regulate your breathing during the core portions of the workout. It’s easy to forget and find yourself holding your breath!

And when you’re doing other types of exercises, be sure to use your core to support your body as well.

Tip 5: Pilates power

When working with pilates movements remember to focus on your mind-body connection and allow it to develop through each movement. It will also help if you think about moving through each motion as consistently and fluidly as you can.

Tip 5: Embrace the challenge

Some of the 28 Day Challenge workouts will push you (hello Super Sessions!)! Just remember to embrace the workout where you can! A little challenge is good for our bodies and minds. But don’t go overboard! We want to see incredible results, but not injuries! Be mindful and respectful of where you are. And remember, there are always modifications (which we love!).

Tip 6: Embrace your wins

It’s so important to focus your mind on the positive and embrace your wins. Not every day will be a great day. But every day that you’re moving is a win!

Tip 7: Ignore the timer

It’s not always easy, but when you can try to ignore the timer and focus on the movement. Breath with your body and you’ll find the workout will be done before you know it.

Tip 8: Increase your metabolism

Many of the 28 Day Challenge workouts are designed to help you increase the efficiency of your metabolism. To do that you can focus on:

  • Making each interval more challenging.
  • Trying to enter your static holds at the end of your range of motion.

Tip 9: Back strength

A reminder for each workout is to be careful not to arch your back as you work through your exercises. Engage your abs to support your back and give you better form.

Tip 10: Have fun!

Each of the 28 Day Challenge workouts is designed to give you fantastic overall results as a full plan. But we also want you to have fun! After all, as Daniel says, moving our bodies should be a joy!

Let’s go!


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