September 19, 2024

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Show Notes

  1. How force plates and the usage of even simple KINETICS can make a massive difference for daily training – and that was already known in the 90’s. They are more affordable nowadays so if you have a need for long-term lower body strength assessment and monitoring of training, you should consider it. BUT don’t think that they are some magic bullet!
  2. Contralateral side of an ACL injury can develop “weakness” after rehab of the injured side as well – there can be a 5{32c02201c4e0b91ecf15bfd3deecd875caca8b9615db42cfd45ce3d8de8d0829} difference that does not sound a lot, but it is due to your NON-INJURED side getting weaker!
  3. You can now use INSOLES to measure in real-time ALL the biomechanical markers and forces during almost any activity. This allows you to not just test every now and again, or just pre-season, but to actually continuously monitor what your athletes are doing during their training. Endless possibilities here.
  4. You NEED to express yourself – but make sure it is a socially acceptable manner. Be kind and have courage!

The post Everything About Strength & Power Training Does Not Need to Come Down to Gym! – With Dr Matt Jordan appeared first on HiitScience.

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