September 19, 2024

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Show Notes

  1. Yes, it is possible to utilize fat as a main source of energy for high intensities. It might take some time (often longer than 4 weeks) for you to adapt, but you can even reach high levels of fat oxidation above 85{32c02201c4e0b91ecf15bfd3deecd875caca8b9615db42cfd45ce3d8de8d0829} of VO2max!
  2. Although you might know some (or a lot!) of athletes who perform quite well, but might have rather POOR HEALTH, this will not last forever (FOR THEM and in the world of ANY LEVEL sports!). It is essential to consider what and how you EAT and LIVE for your LONGEVITY sake!
  3. We don’t YET know A LOT about KETONES, but they seem to show HIGH potential for cases where a person is missing (intentionally or unintentionally) other sources of metabolic energy. Furthermore, we CANNOT deny that high fat may increase certain biomarkers such as cholesterol – but at the same time we know that OTHER biomarkers may be more likely to BENEFIT health. TLDR: we don’t know yet enough for different contexts (mainly due to lack of highly standardized long-term RCT’s to point to)!

The post A Fully Detailed, Useful & Grounded View on Fat for Endurance, Performance & Health – With Dr Andrew Koutnik appeared first on HiitScience.

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