September 20, 2024

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Show Notes

    1. “Inter-individual variation is EVERYWHERE and it’s dramatic” – especially when we are talking about periodisation of training, and how all the time frames you ever learned are likely to be just …  “made up” with little empirical evidence. 

    2. “What you believe, your set of beliefs around the training process, your faith in the coach, your trust in the coach, your trust in the training program, your belief in the appropriateness of the training program to benefit you, all of those things WARP AROUND the training stimulus.”

    3. Our beliefs are so important that even “honest placebos” inherently work so well they could separate medalists at the Olympics.

The post The Power of Conviction: Rethinking Periodization – with Prof. John Kiely & Paul Laursen appeared first on HiitScience.

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