September 21, 2024

Great overview of the website. I’ve been working through several of the details that you highlighted!! To be honest, I’m feeling like a Winner for having navigated it successfully; I won’t go so far as to say I’m a Warrior ? because the site really is well laid out!!

When I first started testing the waters with TBP, I was picking and choosing various workouts without really knowing much about the various “programs” … I just really loved that I could pick a workout and then follow whichever person I felt most connected with. THEN I decided to do the Assessment and pick a Plan! Here’s what I’ve noticed: 5 weeks into following your plans, I am doing some workouts that I had done when I first discovered TBP. BUT NOW, I seem to know too much about how to move properly and the workout that I thought was “pretty good; I can do this” (about 6 weeks ago) NOW feels Really.Different!!! It’s so much more of a challenge! Here’s why: I am actually moving with intention, I know what it means to “engage my core” and to have my “shoulders proud” and to bend a little deeper!

So What I’m Trying To Say Is: I am Loving the Programs! My body is shifting! I do feel like a Warrior!!!

Keep up the Great Work, Team Body Project!!

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