September 20, 2024

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It seems fitting that tennis phenom Cori “Coco” Gauff just became the youngest American to advance to the U.S. Open singles final since Serena Williams in 1999. Gauff, 19, has long been vocal about her admiration of Williams, asserting the 23-time Grand Slam winner is the greatest tennis player of all time and citing Williams’ career as an inspiration for her own.

Off the court, the two athletes have another practice in common: yoga. Although the two players both include the practice in their workout regimens, they vary rather dramatically in their approaches.

Williams, who retired from the sport in 2022, has made no secret about how much she enjoys  doing yoga. Back in 2010, Williams shared with Vogue, “When I’m not playing tennis, I like to do yoga and Pilates.” Ten years later, Williams gave the world a glimpse of her morning yoga routine in a time-lapse Instagram post in which she ran through a sequence that included Downward Dog, High Lunge, and Lizard as she worked her way up to practicing Side Splits.

Gauff isn’t quite so enthusiastic. The young star, who is poised to compete in the second Grand Slam final of her career, hasn’t been shy in expressing her feelings about flowing on the mat. In a video interview with Vogue, Gauff shared some of the behind-the-scenes details of her pre-tournament routine, which includes taking time off from training. “Because I work out so much, when I do have a day off, I don’t want to do anything,” Gauff said. “Maybe like yoga or something. I don’t like yoga. But I just do it because I know it’s good for you.”

In a 2021 interview with POPSUGAR, Gauff explained that she practices Plank because she knows the benefits outweigh the pain. That disciplined mindset isn’t surprising for Gauff. Nor is it unusual for her to incorporate it into her training when Williams and numerous other professional tennis players have turned to yoga for enhanced flexibility, balance, focus, and coordination—all necessary for success and safety on the court.

There might also be less obvious benefits to her yoga practice. Gauff has been lauded for her composure, especially compared to other professional players her age, yet she’s also opened up about her struggles with the mental pressures of being on the pro circuit at such a young age, reported ESPN.

In addition to having a therapist, Gauff prioritizes wellness and balance to help her cope, she revealed in a recent interview with Vogue. That includes forcing herself to step back from tennis and take time to do things for herself, whether that’s a mani-pedi or heading to the beach. “When my mind is clear,” she said, “I’m able to play a lot clearer as well.”

The emphasis that yoga places on focus, breathwork, and a greater awareness of self may also play a small role in her ability to clear her mind. Whatever the benefit, measurable or otherwise, Gauff gets that yoga can improve her game. And maybe, with time, she’ll even come to like it.

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