September 20, 2024

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As the stars align above, they align within. This week, an annual alignment known as Lions Gate reminds us that we are worthy and capable beyond measure.

Lions Gate Portal

We live in an unspoken dance with life. Also with the Earth as she spins, the planets as they shift, and the ungraspable spirit that carries us through lifetimes. Within this dance, there are times for surrender, release, and quiet receptivity. There are times for standing ground and rooting into our current pose. And there are times that invite our desire as we create the next steps of the dance.

On the 8th day of the 8th month of each year, we meet the peak of Lions Gate, a mystical moment with its origins in astrological movement, numerology, myth, and whispers passed from ancient cultures. On this day, we celebrate our star, the Sun, in Leo and the star Sirius coming together in a beautiful alignment. We celebrate the invitations held within the number 8 and the aspects of ourselves it invokes. And we celebrate the dance that we continually orchestrate with life.

The Lions Gate portal is the type of dance in which the guidance is clear—to express our desires into the ether around us. It’s the reminder that we are both the choreographer and the dancer and that the only time to shape our next move is now. During this dance, we are invited to step forward and create our reality.

At the onset of Leo season, there is a certain strength it shines from above and invites from within. The strength of our individual Self, the desires that make us who we are, and the frequency that is found within us and nowhere else. As the midpoint of the season is reached, the Sun in Leo comes into a partnership with the brightest star in our skies, Sirius.

Sirius represents our spiritual selves, our boundless and timeless selves, the part of ourselves that remembers the unique path for this lifetime. Sirius brings this part of ourselves to the forefront and reminds us of our capacity to create that life for ourselves. As the Sun and Sirius come together, there is an alignment of our physical identity with our spiritual identity. The alignment of our known awareness with the wisdom that exists beyond time and space. And the alignment of creation and magic in the unseen, the energetic, and the physical and tangible.

Building on this alignment is the numerology of the day. The number 8 is the bridge between the energetic and physical, the unseen and the seen. It is the number of manifesting, of bringing our thoughts into reality, of experiencing our dreams and hopes in our felt experience. It reminds us that creation begins from within, from our expectations and beliefs, emotions and frequency. It says, we create our reality based on who we are, mirroring that into the world.

RELATED: What Is Lion’s Gate? 

Your invitation

Lions Gate is an opportunity to connect with your story, the one you write each day through your thoughts, actions, beliefs, and dreams. This portal is a beautiful reminder of the strength, creative will, and magic that lies within you. It is a time that invites us to reach into and beyond any beliefs of what is possible and not possible, what we are worthy of or what feels reserved for others, what we are capable of, or what feels beyond our abilities—and to write the story.

It invites a certain boldness, asking us to be daring, to push past the constructs of our mind that are far too small for us now, and all that awaits us in our future. And it asks us to believe, to hope, to create, to feel into excitement, and to remember that we are here for fulfilment and magic, beauty, and awe—and that the best is yet to come.

Ensure that you are writing your story, your big dream, your grand possibilities, your “if I could design it all my way” plot. Spend moments envisioning, knowing that as you do so you are directing energy, you are creating, you are shaping the arrangement of reality around you. Bring together images that speak to your next chapter, words that hold the essence of it, plans that support the manifestation of it.

Create your ideal day with your words. Spend some time with any doubt that arises from within, soothing its fear by reminding it of your worthiness, holding it with love and understanding, and offering it the empowerment that flows from the skies on this day. Use your voice to share the hopes and wishes from within your heart until it grows strong, felt in every cell of your body. Use it until the worlds feels real. Use it until you believe yourself completely. Journal on every moment in your life that you have gone beyond what you believed you could. he strength that lies within you. The traits that you are proud of. The parts of you that you are building.

Remind yourself: Awaiting me in my future is pure magic. There is so much ahead of me: So much joy, so much impact, so much connection, so much love. My most exciting, love filled days await me yet. I have so much to look forward to. Journal prompts to consider include:

If I could design it all my way, what would my life look like?

Are there any dreams or desires that both excite and scare me? What are those?

What are the fears that come up from within me when I think of these dreams?

How can I soothe these fears? What do they need to hear?

Where in my life have I gone beyond what I believed I could?

Where in my life have I surprised myself with the strength, determination, and will that is within me?

What are some of my strengths? And the traits that I am proud of?

Are there traits within others that I am drawn to? What are those traits? And where have I seen them within myself?

What are some of the beliefs, narratives, or expectations that feel too small for me now? That feel too small for my dreams?

What are some of the beliefs, narratives, or expectations that I choose to release?

What beliefs do I choose to replace them with?

Learn more about the influence of astrology in your life, including astrological events the Moon cycles, your Sun and Moon and rising signs, how journaling can help you connect with the current influences, and more with Jordane Maree at Girl and her Moon.

About Our Contributor

Jordane Maree is the founder of Girl and Her Moon, a platform and community exploring Soul through the lens of astrology, tarot, and energy healing. She is a writer, intuitive astrologer, energy and soul guide, and host of Girl and Her Moon, The Podcast. She is inspired, every single day, to be the mirror for you to see all that you truly are, you in all your infinite abilities, in total expansion, in infinite opportunity and love.


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