September 20, 2024

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Show Notes

  1. Even with a PhD, sport and coaching experience yourself, you still need to “sit on the side of the lake” and build relationships first. Watch and listen, before you try to show.

  2. How curiosity is a necessity for athletes, scientists and coaches. Try to build it in your athletes, as well as in yourself for long-term success.

  3. Sleep is essential for everyone who wants to PERFORM (mentally or physically!) – including for something called the glymphatic system. 

  4. PROTECT your attention. Not just 1 hour before bed. Try turning OFF all your notifications. Then decrease or even DELETE all social media apps. Then refocus yourself on what you NEED to do the most.

The post Health & Sleep as the Foundations of Elite Human Performers – With Dr. Greg Wells appeared first on HiitScience.

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