September 20, 2024

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Our planet of beauty, blessings, love, and harmony shifts into a new sign of the zodiac this week, bringing a different approach to the way we understand worth, feel beauty, and express love.

Venus in Cancer

The planet Venus can be found in the way we witness beauty, create art, embody our worth, approach abundance, care for ourselves, revel in romance, express love, receive love, and so much more. In ancient times, Venus was revered as a Roman goddess and seen as essential to the balance of life. She was prayed to for military victories, blissful marriages, abundant harvests, and prosperity in all aspects of life.

As Venus moves through the zodiac, everything that she embodies becomes expressed through the lens of that particular sign. With some signs, there is an ease to her expression. It becomes harmonious, heightened, and supported. Within others, her spark is harder to experience. Within each sign, however, there are unique gifts, invitations, self-reflections, and insights.

On May 7, Venus will move into Cancer, where she will remain until June 5. Cancer, as a zodiac sign, is often seen as the mother archetype. She is tender, nurturing, healing, and intuitive. A water sign, Cancer represents our emotions and our safe spaces in the world. She speaks to our familial and ancestral roots, our home, our loved ones, and our peace.

There is an ease to Venus as she journeys through the waters of Cancer. We are gifted with safety and comfort within familiar spaces. Here we find compassion, healing, romance, belonging, and acceptance. During this time, beauty has an opportunity to find us and art reaches deep into our emotions, our body, and our felt experience.

Sun Conjunct Uranus

The Sun isn’t just the center of our solar system, it is the center of the self. According to astrology, it is our core, our spirit, our pulse. As the Sun draws near to, or conjuncts, planets in our cosmos, it brings that same life-giving spirit, a spark, a force, and an aliveness to those around it. Themes of the planets become strengthened, supported, and expressed with ease.

Uranus is connected to liberation, freedom, authenticity, and awakening. In mythology, Uranus is the personification of heaven, the ruler of the universe. Its influence is sharp, influential, and impactful. It lights where we are going and represents a forward-thinking and freedom-filled direction for humanity. When Uranus is expressing itself strongly in our cosmos, we are invited into a breaking open of the present in service of creating space for the new.

When supported by the Sun in a conjunction with Uranus on May 9, we are presented with new ways of thinking, seeing, knowing, and acknowledging. We are offered a new perspective, one that is outside of the box. One that comes from the heavens themselves. One that desires to usher us into a new way. One that might surprise us.

Your Invitation

Like life, astrology seems to ebb and flow through waves of intensity and calm. As we move through the initiations of eclipse season, we may find ourselves in the high tides of change.

As the Sun and Uranus hold their annual conjunction, we are gifted with a new perspective. We are offered a still moment to place it all on pause and to peek through a different lens through which we can see ourselves and our lives as if from the heavens.

Carrying us throughout the week and into next month, Venus in Cancer holds us in safety throughout the transition and awakening of the Sun conjunct Uranus. It offers a soothing support, a comfort space, a loving whisper. It reminds us that we are held, inviting beauty into our hearts and experiencing ease as we receive the blessings that are presenting themselves.

There is much moving, flowing, and shifting in our cosmos both this week and the larger timeline that this week sits within. Allow the support of Venus in Cancer to hold you through the changes, the breaking open, and the new perspectives and insights you are afforded as if it was a safety net.

Hermes Trismegistus, referred to as the father of astrology, offered us, “As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul….” When there is movement in our cosmos, there is movement within us. When there is an invitation of safety within our cosmos, so too, is there safety coming from within.

Allow the high tides of astrological insight this week to hold a mirror to your inner world, for it is always reflecting you.

RELATED: What Mercury Retrograde Can Reveal About Your Relationships

Learn more about the influence of astrology in your life, including astrological events the Moon cycles, your Sun and Moon and rising signs, how journaling can help you connect with the current influences, and more with Jordane Maree at Girl and her Moon.

About Our Contributor

Jordane Maree is the founder of Girl and Her Moon, a platform and community exploring Soul through the lens of astrology, tarot, and energy healing. She is a writer, intuitive astrologer, energy and soul guide, and host of Girl and Her Moon, The Podcast. She is inspired, every single day, to be the mirror for you to see all that you truly are, you in all your infinite abilities, in total expansion, in infinite opportunity and love. 

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