September 20, 2024

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Show Notes

  1. It does not pay off to have too many “copies of yourself” – look for SPECIALISTS that you can rely on, and who you can also give more RESPONSIBILITY. Such greater expertise in specific domains across several individuals will give you more options in the long-term.
  2. Even if you are working on a lot of capacities that young players need to develop, you can still even for match day -2 (or -1 in Martin’s case ;)), load players at high intensities – IF you consider HOW these loads are applied exactly!
  3. Integrate your tactical, technical and fitness training ALL TOGETHER – if you pay attention to change of direction, groin load and several other factors. You don’t need too many monitoring tools for this either.

The post The ROAD TO PRO: The Road to Pro: Balancing Long-Term Development Versus Short-Term Performance – With Paul White appeared first on HiitScience.

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