September 19, 2024

While there’s no denying how much we all love a good vacation (particularly when it’s anywhere in the Mediterranean) time, finances and general life commitments don’t always permit an overseas trip, but when you can’t take a vacation, it’s the perfect opportunity to take a staycation instead… 


Staycations have so many benefits but they’re not something we actively think of planning, so if you fancy the sound of switching off for a night or two, read on to find out 3 benefits of a staycation… 


  • It’s cost effective 

Travel is expensive, and oftentimes the literal transportation costs can end up being one of the most expensive parts of a trip. One of the best things about a staycation is that you automatically save the money you’d otherwise spend on plane tickets and Ubers/car hire, so you can splurge a little bit more on a fancier hotel with nicer amenities like a day spa, swim up pool bar and killer restaurants. Furthermore, staycations tend to only last between 1-3 nights, which again keeps the cost significantly cheaper than a full on vacation. 


  • Discover new things in your own backyard 

It’s not often we get to explore our own backyard, but the exciting thing about playing tourist locally, is that it gives you the opportunity to discover new things you would have otherwise overlooked. Whether it’s a new restaurant, cute walk or hiking spot or even a hotel you’ve never explored before, staycations give you the opportunity to fall in love with your city again! 


  • You’ll actually feel relaxed and recharged 

Overseas vacations are incredible, but between the long haul travel, jet lag, ever changing time zones and endless amount of walking, you come home feeling even more exhausted than when you left. Staycations are a much more efficient and effective way to get rest and relaxation, as well as spend some quality down time with your friends or loved ones. 


Book your next staycation with our Official Amplify Challenge Partner Luxury Escapes. Visit for a whole host of worldwide options and remember that all Amplify challengers get a 10{32c02201c4e0b91ecf15bfd3deecd875caca8b9615db42cfd45ce3d8de8d0829} discount.

The post 3 Benefits Of A Staycation appeared first on Studio Pilates.

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