September 20, 2024

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Heading out the door? Read this article on the new Outside+ app available now on iOS devices for members!
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When I started practicing yoga in college about a decade ago, I was still figuring out who I was. While attempting to balance newfound independence, heartbreak, and restlessness, I had a strong desire for something more. I found that in yoga. It helped me come back home to myself and recover my inner strength.

Now, as a longtime student and teacher of yoga, I’ve begun to notice the timeless life lessons my practice has shared with me. There are likely an infinite number of insights I’ve received from my practice during the last decade. And I’m certain, as time goes by, I’ll become aware of even more. But there are currently 101 graces that I can think of to share. As you read through, maybe they’ll also resonate with you and remind you of the marvelous and multifaceted gift of yoga.

101 Life Lessons Yoga Continues to Teach Me

1. Meet yourself where you are.
2. More often than not, you can choose your own happiness.
3. Never underestimate the value of a like-minded community.
4. You carry a lot of emotion and energy in your hips.

(Photo: Getty Images)

5. It’s okay to cry in Pigeon Pose. (Or any pose, for that matter.)
6. A big part of your strength is your focus.
7. Listen to your body.
8. Don’t hold onto anything too tightly.
9. Change is the only constant.
10. Stillness can be just as powerful as action.
11. Your breath is one of the most powerful elements in the universe.
12. Harnessing your breath can change everything.
13. Every body is unique.
14. Every body is beautiful.
15. Every body is capable and strong.
16. Flexibility is a strength.
17. Sometimes you just need a little peace and quiet.
18. It’s always better to be barefoot.
19. Always.
20. Sitting on the floor is extremely grounding.
21. Honor your teachers.
22. But don’t turn them into gods.
23. No one is perfect.
24. Everyone makes mistakes.
25. Caring for your physical space is caring for yourself.
26. The study of self is a never-ending journey.
27. And it’s meant to be fun and inspiring.
28. Don’t smile if you don’t mean it.
29. Believe in the kindness of others.
30. Don’t stretch yourself too thin.
31. Keep your head up.
32. Believe in magic.
33. Don’t let fear hold you back from anything.
34. It’s incredibly comfortable to cook while standing in Tree Pose.
35. And I’ll never understand why.
36. You don’t have to find something else to do just because you’re waiting in line.
37. The best things in life aren’t things.
38. We are responsible for the Universe.
39. Because we are the Universe.
40. Life is a continuous dance of opposing energies.

Perhaps the biggest life lesson is sitting down, slowing your breath, and acknowledging what’s beyond your control. (Photo: Content Pixie | Unsplash)

41. You can either try to control them or let them flow.
42. We often choose unnecessary resistance.
43. But it’s equally accessible to choose ease.
44. There are few things that Child’s Pose can’t help with.
45. Be constantly humbled by the world around you.
46. There can be the most tremendous meaning in the most mundane moment.
47. Tread lightly.
48. Tread respectfully.
49. Take only what you need.
50. When your wants are few, you are much more prosperous.
51. Follow what you love.
52. A yoga practice or pose is not an end goal.
53. It’s a constant journey of discovery and learning.
54. Always keep a beginner’s mind.
55. Discipline is different than regimentation.
56. Dedication and hard work are powerful and noble.
57. Energy goes where intention flows.
58. Your vibe affects your habits.
59. And your habits affect your destinies.
60. Your body can manifest your unexpressed emotions.
61. You don’t have to look outside yourself to be saved.
62. You carry a wealth of insight and power.
63. Everything you need is already within you.
64. You are not a human doing.
65. You are a human being.
66. It’s not about how much you got done.
67. It’s about if you have a life filled with joy.
68. And love.
69. We can see further when we learn from those who have come before us.
70. Always invite more grace.
71. Never be judgemental.
72. Including about yourself.

A person practices yoga with one hand on a yoga block next to their foot.
It’s okay to let yourself take support. You may find you reach further than you ever could before. (Photo: OllyPlu | Getty Images)

73. Use your blocks.
74. Not your ego.
75. Sometimes, a good yin class can be even more potent than a power flow.
76. Yoga is way more than just postures.
77. Quality over quantity.
78. Everything in moderation.
79. Even, sometimes, moderation.
80. If you put an intention behind something, it becomes more magical.
81. You owe it to others and yourself to be as truthful and authentic as possible.
82. And sometimes that looks like boundaries and assertiveness.
83. You can change what happens to you by changing yourself.
84. Those who are compulsively attached to an outcome can’t enjoy it.
85. Anatomy is super confusing.
86. But it’s also incredibly fascinating.
87. Have gratitude for your body
88. Have gratitude for life.
89. Have compassion for yourself and others.
90. Accept imperfections.
91. Letting go of what no longer serves you is a lifelong practice.
92. Your posture is super important.
93. So is balance, mobility and coordination.
94. Keep an open mind.
95. Learning to embrace vulnerability is worth it.
96. You should always move from your core.
97. Have clear boundaries.
98. But have no limits.
99. Life is all about balance.
100. And it will never be perfect.
101. And that’s okay.

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