September 20, 2024

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When there is turbulence in the world, it can be a delicate balance for yoga teachers as we discern the difference between knowing what to say and knowing when to remain silent. Whether the conflict is political, societal, or global, I feel that it is important for us to help hold space for all emotions, opinions, and ways of being.

Over the years, I’ve reflected on ways to create safe space during turbulent times, while recognizing that I am not a licensed therapist. To that end, I wanted to share some of the ways I have learned to show up for students without needing to have answers or inviting anger or conflict into the teaching space. Here are some of the principles that I follow as I try to walk that line.

11 Approaches to Holding Space as a Yoga Teacher

1. Leave your politics at the door.

The yoga space is meant to be safe and sacred for everyone. It’s not our role as teachers to share our personal opinions or try to figure out what students need us to say. Simply offer what you always do: the practice of yoga. The act of moving and breathing and turning inward will work on students in ways that words cannot.

2. Encourage students to set an intention for their practice.

It can be easy to feel as though we need to offer students pearls of wisdom. That’s not our responsibility. As teachers of yoga, our role is to share a practice that offers a space of self-reflection. At the beginning of class, consider taking a quiet moment and suggesting that students create their own intention for their practice, perhaps offering a couple one-word examples. That affords students the space to become more self-aware and ask themselves what they need most in that moment.

It can also be helpful to acknowledge that if no intention comes to mind for students, there’s no need to force it.

3. Channel your emotions.

Emotions are part of the human condition. Remind yourself and perhaps students that its’ not ever wrong to experience a strong feeling, even those that society deems “negative.” If you’re feeling mad as hell and trying to lead a class, channel that determination into creating a Warrior dance that lets students get in touch with and feel the fire of transformation.

4. Be honest.

It’s okay to let your students know that you’ve been struggling a little emotionally. You can simply mention that life has been challenging without oversharing. Let them see you be human.

5. Practice self-care.

Make your own practice and other forms of self-care a priority so you can offer your classes from a centered, nonreactive place. If necessary, take a few minutes before teaching to ground yourself and feel completely present in your own body before instructing others how to move their bodies. If your emotions are running high and your finances allow, consider subbing out your classes until you’re feeling more at ease.

6. Hold space for all your students’ emotions.

Let students experience whatever is going on in their lives. Someone might need to release tears and there is nothing for you to fix about that situation. Someone else might feel the need to laugh or smile, as there are still reasons to find pleasure, even when there are devastating acts taking place. Happiness and pain can coexist in our hearts and are not mutually exclusive.

7. Do what feels authentic to you…within reason.

I taught yoga the day after the 2016 election. At the beginning of class, I simply asked if we could take a moment to ask for peace. Students shouted, “Yes, please.”

It is not necessary to participate in bipartisan politics or “us” versus “them” thinking. We need only remind students that peace begins within.

8. Be sensitive to everyone.

We may think of our yoga communities as local. But we are all human and part of a global community. We offer our respect to each other by acknowledging our similarities and, when appropriate, celebrating our differences. Be sensitive to everyone’s unique experiences and refrain from making comments that are judgmental of any particular group.

9. Bring everyone’s attention to their breath.

If students seem to be breathing shallowly, let your breath be audible and invite students to do the same rather than telling them to inhale more deeply. Simply breathe together as one.

10. Minimize your alignment cues.

No one likes to be reminded that they’re doing something incorrectly, especially when emotions are heightened. You might want to lessen the verbal cues and corrections you offer and simply allow students to move and be with their practice.

11. Remember why you wanted to teach yoga.

That feeling you experienced when you attended your first yoga class? Consider setting that as your intention while you’re teaching. Then allow space for the practice of yoga to hold each individual, as it has so beautifully for centuries.

This article has been updated. Originally published November 18, 2016.

About Our Contributor

Desi Bartlett MS CPT E-RYT is a women’s health expert and internationally published author. For more information, visit

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